Welcome to Imagine Orthodontic Studio, where we believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile. As a leading Medicaid Orthodontist in Tampa, FL, we are committed to providing high-quality, affordable orthodontic care. Our team of professionals offers a broad range of treatment options, including braces, Invisalign, tooth gems, teeth whitening, and other advanced options, all designed to meet your unique oral health needs.

Your Reliable Tampa Medicaid Orthodontist

Selecting the right orthodontist is a crucial step towards achieving your perfect smile. At Imagine Orthodontic Studio, we’re proud to accept Medicaid, making our top-notch orthodontic services available to a wider community. Our team has extensive expertise in processing Medicaid coverage, helping you understand and maximize your benefits while ensuring a seamless experience.

A Range of Orthodontic Treatments

At Imagine Orthodontic Studio, we offer a comprehensive array of treatments to cater to your specific orthodontic needs.


Braces are a tried-and-true solution for correcting various orthodontic problems. They are an effective and cost-efficient method for aligning bites and straightening teeth. Thanks to modern advancements, braces are now more comfortable and less noticeable than ever.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

For those seeking a more subtle treatment option, we’re proud to offer Invisalign. These clear, removable aligners gradually adjust your teeth into their desired position. Invisalign delivers the same outstanding results as traditional braces, but with added convenience and comfort during the treatment period.

Additional Treatment Options

We also offer a variety of other orthodontic solutions to address unique concerns. Beyond braces and Invisalign, we offer aesthetic dental treatments like tooth gems and teeth whitening. These treatments can add that extra sparkle to your smile and boost your confidence.

Choose Imagine Orthodontic Studio in Tampa, FL

When it comes to choosing a Medicaid Orthodontist in Tampa, FL, trust Imagine Orthodontic Studio. Our commitment to high-quality care, diverse treatment options, and expertise in Medicaid coverage make us the preferred choice for patients in Tampa and its surroundings.

Ready to embark on your journey towards a stunning smile? Contact us today to request your free consultation with a leading Medicaid Orthodontist in Tampa, FL. Let’s imagine a brighter, healthier smile together!