When you visit us at Imagine Orthodontic Studio, you can expect state-of-the-art orthodontic care using the best technology in the industry. We strive to deliver our patients the most effective, comfortable care imaginable, and the technology we use makes that possible.

Before you come in for a visit, get to learn more about some of the technology we use to keep your smile happy and healthy!

iTero Lumina Scanner

Do you remember those really clunky, goopy molds the dentist used to put in your mouth? You’ll never have to deal with that at our office. All of our orthodontic treatments are performed using the ultra-precise iTero technology.

Using a specialized wand, we use a laser to take pictures of your entire mouth, including your jaw. The 3D scans will instantly appear on a screen next to you, so you can see all the images appear right before your eyes!

In the past, intraoral scanners often led to inaccurate impressions because they couldn’t fit inside a patient’s whole mouth. Thank goodness technology has come a long way since then! Thanks to the iTero Lumina Scanner, we can get a comprehensive, accurate picture of your mouth and better understand your orthodontic needs.

Using the iTero Lumina Scanner is not only beneficial for treatment — patients love feeling included and seeing their scans appear on the screen in real-time. Together, we discuss your unique mouth and jaw structure, then offer personalized treatment recommendations that will align your bite. Plus, the iTero Lumina Scanner is the most advanced intraoral scanner available with iTero Multi-Direct Capture™ (MDC) technology that pushes the boundaries of what intraoral scanners can do. The iTero Lumina Scanner makes scanning faster and effortless with superior visualization, so you can rest assured your dream smile is being backed by the most advanced technology available.

That’s not all, though. iTero also includes an amazing Smile Simulator that allows us to show you what your smile will look like after treatment. We love seeing each patient’s reaction to seeing their dream smile appear right before their eyes!

CareStream Digital X-Ray

Orthodontic X-Rays are vital to giving each patient the most accurate treatment. In addition to your teeth, we also need to get a good look at your jaw structure and bite alignment.

In the past, traditional X-ray machines were bulky and uncomfortable. Today, we use CareStream Digital X-Rays to make getting images of your teeth and jaw painless and easy.

Instead of printing your X-rays, CareStream takes instant digital images that show us your teeth, root structure, and jaw formation. From there, we can use these images to create custom orthodontic treatments that will perfectly cater to your needs.

In some cases, we may take special X-rays called “bitewing X-rays.” These require biting down on a piece of plastic called a bite stick that will help us get a better idea of how your teeth are aligned and where they can be improved.

Digital X-rays have been FDA-approved for children and adults, and they produce 80% less radiation than traditional X-rays! We’ll also give you a lead apron to wear that protects you against any additional radiation that may come from the machine.

By using digital X-rays, we get more accurate images of each patient’s mouth, improve their comfort, and ensure better treatment outcomes.

Pro 2 Dental 3D Printer

We use a 3D printer along with the digital impressions we take from the iTero Scanner to produce a variety of assistive devices for our patients. Did you know that aligner trays are 3D printed? It’s true! Using the scans we take, our 3D printer can create smooth, plastic clear aligner trays for kids, teens, and adults right here in our office.

Retainers can also be 3D printed. We used the most advanced 3D printing technology available with the Pro 2 Dental 3D Printer. That way we get more accurate molds that ultimately lead to a tighter, more comfortable fit for our patients. Pro 2 is a next-generation dental 3D printer that delivers unprecedented accuracy and throughput.

If you’re wearing traditional braces, 3D printing can help with bite and jaw modeling, so we can place your wires and brackets more accurately. This reduces the number of adjustments you need, saving you time and money on orthodontic treatment.

Finally, self-ligating braces are actually made with 3D printing technology. Because they use special 3D-printed brackets, we can fit your braces even better from the start and ensure a great fit that minimizes discomfort.


When speed with ultimate precision and capability is a factor, we turn to our NanoCure to cure our 3D printed dental appliances.

The NanoCure offers a lot of the same convenience to patients as our other 3D printing technologies and its small form size means it is ready to go and print at a moment’s notice.

NanoCure is packed tight with tech. Every detail of this smaller form-factor was designed to provide benefits for treatment that every patient can appreciate.

Imagine Synapse Dental Pain Eraser™

What if you could go to the orthodontist and never feel any pain afterward? Sounds too good to be true, right? Think again! With our exclusive Imagine Synapse Dental Pain Eraser™, we use electric pulses to desensitize nerves in treatment areas. This effectively numbs the area, relieving pain and discomfort from orthodontic treatments for 24 to 48 hours.

All of our braces installation and adjustments have Imagine Synapse Dental Pain Eraser™ built into treatment, but any patient at Imagine Orthodontic Studio can purchase it as well!

If you would like to learn more about our services, please request a free consultation with a member of our team today!