Congratulations on beginning your orthodontic journey with Imagine Orthodontic Studio! Whether you’ve opted for traditional braces or clear braces, proper care is essential to ensure your treatment progresses smoothly and effectively. Good oral hygiene and a few lifestyle adjustments can make all the difference in achieving a beautiful, healthy smile. Here are some essential tips for our Tampa patients to care for their braces.

Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene

One of the most critical aspects of caring for your braces is maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Braces can create additional nooks and crannies where food particles and plaque can accumulate, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.


  • Brush After Every Meal: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush gently around the brackets and wires, making sure to clean every surface of each tooth.
  • Angle Your Brush: Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use small circular motions to clean along the gumline and brackets.
  • Electric Toothbrushes: Consider using an electric toothbrush designed for braces, which can be more effective at removing plaque and food debris.


  • Daily Flossing: Use a floss threader or orthodontic floss picks to navigate between the wires and remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth.
  • Water Flossers: A water flosser can be an excellent addition to your oral hygiene routine, providing a thorough clean in hard-to-reach areas.

Use Orthodontic Wax

Braces may cause irritation or sores on the inside of your cheeks and lips, especially when you first get them.

  • Applying Wax: Roll a small piece of orthodontic wax into a ball and press it over the bracket or wire causing discomfort. This creates a smooth surface that reduces irritation.
  • Keep it Handy: Always carry some orthodontic wax with you, so you’re prepared in case of any discomfort while away from home.

Avoid Certain Foods

Certain foods can damage your braces, leading to potential delays in your treatment. It’s essential to avoid these foods to keep your braces intact.

  • Hard Foods: Nuts, hard candies, raw carrots, and hard bread can break brackets and bend wires.
  • Sticky Foods: Caramel, taffy, and gum can get stuck in your braces and are difficult to clean.
  • Chewy Foods: Bagels, licorice, and other chewy items can pull at the wires and brackets.
  • Crunchy Foods: Popcorn, chips, and ice can cause damage to your braces.

Opt for softer, easy-to-chew foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, and cooked vegetables. Cutting foods into smaller pieces can also make eating more manageable and reduce the risk of damaging your braces.

Attend Regular Appointments

Regular visits to Imagine Orthodontic Studio are crucial for monitoring your progress and making necessary adjustments to your braces. Skipping appointments can prolong your treatment time and affect the overall outcome.

  • Adjustment Appointments: These visits allow our orthodontists to tighten your wires, replace elastics, and ensure your braces are functioning correctly.
  • Emergency Visits: If you experience any issues, such as broken brackets or poking wires, schedule an appointment promptly to address the problem and avoid delaying your treatment.

Be Mindful of Habits

Certain habits can negatively impact your braces and overall oral health. Being mindful of these behaviors can help ensure a smoother treatment process.

  • Avoid Chewing on Non-Food Items: Refrain from chewing on pencils, pens, or fingernails, as these can damage your braces.
  • Wear a Mouthguard: If you play sports, wear an orthodontic mouthguard to protect your braces and teeth from injury.

Taking proper care of your braces is essential for achieving the best possible results in the shortest amount of time. By maintaining excellent oral hygiene, avoiding harmful foods, attending regular appointments, and being mindful of your habits, you can ensure your orthodontic treatment progresses smoothly.

At Imagine Orthodontic Studio, we are committed to supporting you throughout your orthodontic journey. If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your braces, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to provide guidance and assistance every step of the way.